What does a person who wants to pursue everything DO if they actually possess the savvy, ambition, and rapid learning to do it all?  

In my case, I divided my time into several parallel lives. I built a career in design while simultaneously pursuing music. I’d construct a web app for an online magazine or design a catalog for a furniture company during the day, and then record an album with The Killers’ Hot Fuss producer, Jeff Saltzman, that night. I’d roll out a brand new collection campaign one week and then throw a two-hundred person (five months in the making) event that weekend .

The truth is, I really love it all. And I’ve witnessed the skills and experience I’ve gained on each of these coexisting paths cross over and enhance my perspective, understanding and abilities in the adjacent field.


In this next leg of my career, I’m looking for that position where I can apply the total summation of my professional skills—all of them—those from my design life and those from each of my passion projects as well. Let’s make something great together.

I look forward to meeting you.
